June 3, 2010

Second Conditionals Practice

The second conditional is like the first conditional. We are still thinking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition in the future, and the result of this condition. But there is not a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, you do not have a lottery ticket. Is it possible to win? No! No lottery ticket, no win! But maybe you will buy a lottery ticket in the future. So you can think about winning in the future, like a dream. It's not very real, but it's still possible.

IF condition result
past simple WOULD + base verb

If I won the lottery I would buy a car.

Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. We use the past simple tense to talk about the future condition. We use WOULD + base verb to talk about the future result. The important thing about the second conditional is that there is an unreal possibility that the condition will happen.

Here are some more examples:

If I married Mary I would be happy.
If Ram became rich she would marry him.
If it snowed next July would you be surprised?
If it snowed next July what would you do?

I would be happy if I married Mary.
She would marry Ram if he became rich.
Would you be surprised if it snowed next July?
What would you do if it snowed next July?

Sometimes, we use should, could or might instead of would, for example: If I won a million dollars, I could stop working.

Exercise 1 http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/2cond1.htm

Exercise 2 http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/2cond1.htm

Exercise 3 http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/secondconditional/exercise1.swf

Exercise 4 http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/secondconditional/exercise2.swf

First Conditionals Practice

Exercise 1 http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/firstconditional/exercise1.html

Exercise 2 http://www.better-english.com/grammar/firstconditional1.htm

Exercise 3 http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/g-grammar-firstconditional1.html

Exercise 4 http://perso.wanadoo.es/autoenglish/gr.con1.1.i.htm

May 3, 2010


Create your own movies clicking this link
<a href="http://www.grapheine.com" title="creation">creation d'identite visuelle</a>
<a href="http://www.grapheine.com" title="affiche">conception charte graphique</a>
<a href="http://www.grapheine.com" title="graphique">blog graphisme</a>

<a href="http://www.grapheine.com" title=developpeur independant>agence de communication ethique</a>

April 28, 2010


When was the film released in Spain?
What's the name of the director and of the codirector of the film?
Is Slumdog Millionaire based on a book?
Is this a Bollywood film?
Who were the people who killed Jamal's mother?
What's the name of the programme "who wants to be a millionaire?" in India?
What is the exchange rate for 20,000,000 Rupees?
What is a chaiwala?
How many Oscars did the film win? What for?
What languages appear in the film?
Which posters appear at the police station where Jamal is arrested?
Which is one of the most popular sports in India?
What are the quetions that Jamals answers on the game show?
What does "Jai Ho" mean?
Who composed this song?

April 23, 2010


Question tags

Helen and Michal by the river

Question tags - use

A question tag is used at the end of a statement to ask someone to agree with us, or to keep a conversation going, or to ask a genuine, real question:

It was lovely seeing those buildings, wasn't it?
They looked impressive, didn't they?

Since both Helen and Michal went on the date together and saw the same things, these are examples of question tags to ask for someone's agreement or to keep a conversation going.

You're not going to throw up, are you?
(Helen really doesn't know if Michal is going to vomit or not, so this is an example of a tag to ask a genuine question.)

Question tags - form

A question tag is made up of a statement and a tag. If the statement is positive, the tag is negative:
She's a teacher, isn't she?
He's handsome, isn't he?

If the statement is negative, the tag is positive:
You don't know where the nearest bank is, do you?
He can't speak Portuguese, can he?

If the statement uses an auxiliary or modal verb, the tag uses the same verb:
We should bring a present, shouldn't we?
They're married, aren't they?

If the statement doesn't use an auxiliary verb, the tag verb is 'do':
She plays tennis well, doesn't she?
They don't work in Bombay, do they?

The usual tag for 'am I' is 'aren't I?':
I'm wrong, aren't I?

The tag for 'Let's' is 'shall we? ':
Let's go to the party, shall we?

Question tags - intonation

The meaning of a question tag changes if your voice goes up or down when you say it.

If your voice goes down (from high to low in tone), you are not asking a real question; you are simply asking the other person to agree with you (this usually happens when you are making "small talk" or having conversations about unimportant things). For example:
She's a very pretty bride, isn't she?
It was lovely seeing all those famous buildings, wasn't it?

If your voice goes up, you are asking a real question. For example:
They live in Paris, don't they?
But you are OK, aren't you?


hunk (adj, to describe a man, informal): handsome, good-looking

to look green (idiom): to look ill or sick, or as if you are going to vomit

to throw up (verb): to be physically sick, to vomit

to fancy (verb, informal): to be romantically or sexually attached to someone

question tags at BBC
question tags at Using English
question tags test

May 6, 2009

Reported Speech

Reported Speech: Indirect Speech

For example:
1. Jim said "I like beer".
2. Jim said he liked beer.

Sentence 1 is direct speech, the words in quotes (".....") are the exact words the person said. Sentence 2 is reported speech, this is how you tell somebody about a conversation after it happened.

When reporting speech the tenses of the direct speech usually change:

Said, told and asked are common reporting verbs. We use asked to report questions; I asked him what time the train left. Told is used with an object; Fred told Jill he felt tired (Jill is the object). Said is usually used without an object; Sheila said she was going to work. If we use said with an object we must include to; Ian said to Mary that he'd been to London (we usually use told).

Sometimes we include that in reported statements (NOT questions); he told me that he lived in Greenwich: that is optional; he told me he lived in Greenwich has exactly the same meaning.

We use if when reporting questions that have no question word: "Where do you live?" -> she asked me where I lived; "Have you got a car" -> he asked me if I'd got a car.

Sometimes we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have different meanings at the time and place of reporting: "How long have you worked here?" -> He asked me how long I'd worked there (if reported in a different place); "I arrived yesterday" -> He said he'd arrived the day before (if reported on a different day).

Exercise 1

Can, Could, Will be able to

CAN (CAN'T) for present, COULD (COULDN'T) for past and SHALL/WILL (WON'T) BE ABLE TO for future.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4

First Conditional

The first conditional is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future.

The structure of a first conditional sentence

A first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause:

if clause main clause
If you study hard, you will pass the test.

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:

main clause if clause
You will pass the test if you study hard.

We use different verb forms in each part of a first conditional:

main clause if clause
You will pass the test if you study hard.

Using the first conditional

The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future — things which may happen:

Example Explanation
If it's sunny, we'll go to the park. Maybe it will be sunny — that's possible.
Paula will be sad if Juan leaves. Maybe Juan will leave — that's possible.
If you cook the supper, I'll wash the dishes. Maybe you will cook the supper — that's possible.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5

April 28, 2009

Relative clauses and Relative Pronouns

Is it the same a relative clause and a relative Pronoun?

No, it's not the same

A relative clause is the subordinate sentence that describes or identifies a noun, and relative pronoun is the word that links two sentences together (one of the two sentences is the relative clause)to make one complex sentence.

For example:

The book is on the table. The book was written by Joyce.

I decide to link these to sentences together and create one complex sentence. It's very easy. I just have to use a relative pronoun.

There are different relative pronouns I can use.

Who: (qui) only used to identify or describe people (never objects!)

Which: (que)used to identify or describe things.

That : (que, el qual, la qual...) used to identify or describe people and things.

Where : (on) uset to identify or describe places.

So, in the example I gave above, the one complex sentence would be:

The book which is on the table was written by Joyce.

The sentence followed by which (which is on the table) is the relative clause.

Exercises to practice with relative clauses and relative pronouns

Listening Games

In this link you will find plenty of short listening games. You just have to choose a topic, or picture, and there is a 2-minute listening with questions about it. It's easy, and interesting!